Armadillo Tracking

The Armadillo AGM tracks and records pig passages with seven sensors – three 22 Hz channels, three magnetic channels, and one geophone channel. The tracking technician creates a snapshot of each pig passage for record keeping, which provides owners with a defensible record that a pig has passed the AGM location.
The Armadillo above-ground marker (AGM) is the most effective way to track inline inspection tools.

Through decades of experience, Corrpro Canada has developed the safest and most reliable system for tracking any type of pig, on any pipeline.
For any pig run, the AGM information is uploaded and displayed through Corrpro Canada’s software, which provides near real-time information on the progress of a pig, as well as other relevant details about the inspection.
Why Choose Corrpro Canada?

The Armadillo system reduces the dependence on field technicians, making it the safest method of tracking any type of pig.

The Armadillo AGM provides the best quality data to confirm pig passages and improve
inline inspection (ILI) anomaly location.

Armadillo Tracking is the most efficient method of tracking multiple pigs, and can reduce costs by up to 20%.